researc interests:
Robust Mobile Manipulation in nstructured and Human Environments:移动抛光,使机器人始终垂直于抛光表面。第二阶段重点在底盘上。但是这个项目可能已经结束了。2006年最后更新。
Distributed Mobile Robotic Systems:
Man-Machine User Interface :
Control of Dynamic Behavior of Robot Manipulators
Passive Compliance and Flexible Robots
Intelligent Control
Mobile Robotics
research interests span robotics, AI, and computational structural biology.
robot planning and learning under uncertainty and human-robot collaborationAdacomp robot planning and learning under uncertainty and human-robot collaboration
object manipulation: 在像家庭和办公室这样的非结构化环境中,对象操作需要在不确定性下进行决策。我们想研究如何在不确定性下以一种有原则的方式进行一般的、快速的、健壮的对象操作; 代表论文:Learning To Grasp Under Uncertainty Using POMDPs; Push-Net: Deep Planar Pushing for Objects with Unknown Physical Properties; Act to See and See to Act: A Robotic System for Object Retrieval in Clutter — Li Juekun
Trust Models for Human-Robot Collaboration:我们的目标是开发一个正式的信任计算框架,以实验证据和人类行为的预测模型为支持,使人类和机器人之间的流体协作的自动化决策。
algorithm + neural network
Intention Net for Autonomous Navigation
Autonomous Driving in Pedestrian and Vehicle Traffic
我们从事微系统和机器人技术领域的方法及其应用的研究和开发。 我们的研究重点是从微观到宏观范围对物理和生物系统进行机械操纵,以期产生实用和创新的工程解决方案。
Peter C.Y.ChenAutomatic eyelet workpiece welding using mobile manipulator: 孔眼”是焊接在大型结构(如集装箱和重型平台)的各种表面上以提供起吊点的工件。手工焊接小孔是一项费时费力的工作。我们的研究目标是开发一个机器人启用系统,利用三维建模和移动机械手,以提高效率和减少人力需求的焊接任务。
Adaptive robotic task execution with in-situ model error compensation:
Chee-Kong Chui 手术机器人,遥操作,一篇论文提到了马尔科夫决策
SARTORETTI, Guillaume A Robotics, Multi-Agent/Multi-Robot Systems, Mobile Articulated Robots, Distributed (Reinforcement) Learning, Swarm Intelligence, Distributed/Decentralized Control, Stochastic Modeling.
WANG Hao, Victor Ultra-precision machining and polishing, hybrid machining and manufacturing
CHEN, Benmei
https://www.eng.nus.edu.sg/ece/staff/chen-benmei/His current research interests are in systems theory, robust control, unmanned aerial systems, and financial market modeling.
GE, Shuzhi Sam
https://www.eng.nus.edu.sg/ece/staff/ge-shuzhi-sam/His current research interests include social robotics, mind robotics, multimedia fusion, adaptive control, intelligent systems and artificial intelligence. He is the founder of Personal E-Motion Pte Ltd and Portege Pte Ltd.
LEE, Tong Heng
https://www.eng.nus.edu.sg/ece/staff/lee-tong-heng/Dr. Lee’s research interests are in the areas of adaptive systems, knowledge-based control, intelligent mechatronics and computational intelligence.
Lim Teng Joon
Jianxin Xu
Mandar Chitre
Shengdong Zhao
Tze Yun Leong
William Lee, Wai Leong
Adrian Koh
Andrew Nee
Anqi Qiu
Ashraf Kassim
Aun Neow Poo
Benmei Chen
Chee Kong Chui
Chee Meng Chew
Hong Geok Soon
Haoyong Yu
Hong Geok Soon
Hongliang Ren
Jayant V Iyer
Jian Zhu
Nitish Thakor
Nanguang Chen
Panda SK
Nitish thakor
Prahlad Vadakkepat
Qi Zhao
Raye Yeow
Sam Ge
Tong Heng Lee
Soh Khim Ong